Conference title: 2018 Systems of Signal Synchronization,
Generating and Processing in Telecommunications
Conference acronym: SYNCHROINFO
From 2 to 3 July 2018, Minsk, Belarus
About the Event
The international scientific and engineering conference “Systems of Signal Synchronization, Generating and Processing in Telecommunications” has been held since 1974. For 43 years of work the conference has become a widely known forum for specialists of the field.
The papers which are discussed at the conference can be divided into the following chapters:
— Synchronization Systems and Devices;
— Signal Generating and Shaping Devices;
— Signal Processing Devices.
The chapters content is concerned with fundamental problems of signal synchronization, generating and processing in the field of communications, broadcasting, radar, radio guidance and radio control. The questions of the practical issues are also including.
The presentations are made by the scientists and developers from 9 countries: Azerbaijan, Germany, Kazakhstan, China, Lebanon, Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
IEEE Branch Director in Russia Roman Y. Ivanyushkin promotes this conference among the Engineers in the field of Telecommunications. He also organizes the work of one of the main conference Chapter «Signals Generating and Shaping Devices».
Chairman of Russian Branch IEEE Circuits and System Society Valentin Kuleshov is the Chairman of the Technical Program Committee.
Every year Director and Chairman of Russian Branch IEEE Circuits and System Society are participate as co-Chairs of the Chapter «Signals Generating and Shaping Devices».
Chairman of the Steering Committee Alexander Pestryakov (Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Radio and Broadcasting Faculty Dean of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics) in cooperation with Director and Chairman of Russian Branch IEEE Circuits and System Society appoints the conference committee chairs and other key members.
Conference will produce a publication.
Keywords: Telecommunication Systems, Frequency and Time Synchronization, Signals Generating and Shaping, Frequency Synthesizers, Signals Receivers.
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics
Belarusian State Academy of Telecommunications
Belarusian State Academy of Telecommunications
220013, Minsk, ul. P.Brovki, 14, an educational building number 2
220114, Minsk, ul. F.Skorina 8/2, educational building № 1
Ms Svetlana Dymkova
+7 926-218-8243
Ms Elena Khasianova
+ 7 915-356-1051
Mr Oleg Baranovskiy
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Vice-Rector of Belarusian State Academy of Telecommunications
Subjects of the conference
The main areas of the conference include fundamental problems of synchronization, generating and signal processing in telecommunications, broadcasting, radar, navigation with the practical application issues.
Field of interest:
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
General Topics for Engineers
Signal Processing and Analysis
Structure of the technical program committee
Chairman of the Program Committee
Vice-Chairmen of the Program Committee
Program Committee Coordinator
Technical program committee:
Chairman of the Program Committee
Valentin N. Kuleshov – Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor of National Research University «MPEI» , chair of IEEE Circuit and System Society Russian Chapter
1-st Vice-Chairmen of the Program Committee
Alexander V. Pestryakov – Doctor of Science (Engineering), Dean of Radio and Broadcasting Faculty, Professor of Moscow Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics
2-nd Vice-Chairmen of the Program Committee
Roman Y. Ivanyushkin – PhD, Associate Professor of Moscow Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Branch Director of IEEE Circuit and System Society in Russia
Program Committee Coordinator
Elena R. Khasianova – Research Scientist of Moscow Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics, secretary of Synchronyzation Devices Chapter of The Russian Scientific-technical Society of Radio engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications named after A.S. Popov
Members of the program committee
Alexander S. Dmitriev – Doctor Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor of IRE RAS
Yuriy S. Shinakov – Doctor of Science (Engineering), Head of Radio Engineering Systems Department, Professor of Moscow Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics
Vkadimir L. Karyakin – Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor of Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
Submission dates
Abstract submission date: 10 February 2018
Full paper submission date: 27 March 2018
Notification of acceptance date: 24 April 2018
Final paper submission date: 10 May 2018
Full Paper are being reviewed (Blind review) Estimated number of submitted papers: 120 Сriteria for reviewers to evaluate submissions 1. All the papers, submitted for publication by the Program Committee. 2. Review process is anonymous for the reviewers as well as for the author. 3. After reviewing the paper may be rejected, sent to the author for revision, or accepted for publication. 4. The review should include: — General evaluation of the paper’s content and principal judgment on whether it could be published; — The specific enumeration of errors in the methodology and tools (if any); — Suggestions for improving the text. 5. Upon receipt of an unfavorable verdict of the reviewer the paper is discussed on the program committee meeting, which makes a decision on rejection of the article or the need for further review by an independent expert. 6. In case of paper’s rejection, the author sent a notification letter. 7. The procedure for review and approval of articles is from 1 to 2 months. 8. All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials. We are not using student reviewers. Every participant pays arrangement fee. Besides, the Conference doesn’t allows distance participation and if the speaker is absent, he or she will lost the ability of the report to the next conference.
1. All files should be submitted as a Word document.
2. Papers should be between 15000 and 20000 characters (incl. spaces).
3. Paper Title to be submitted in native language and English. A title of not more than eight words should be provided.
4. Author Details (in English and native language)
Details should be supplied on the Article Title Page including:
* Full name of each author
* Position, rank, academic degree
* Affiliation of each author, at the time the research was completed
* Full postal address of the affiliation
* E-mail address of each author
Structured Abstract (in English and native language)
Abstract should be: informative (no general words), original, relevant key content and research findings); structured, concise (between 100 and 150 words).
* Purpose (mandatory)
* Design/methodology/approach (mandatory)
* Findings (mandatory)
* Research limitations/implications (if applicable)
* Practical implications (if applicable)
* Social implications (if applicable)
* Originality/value (mandatory)
It is appropriate to describe the research methods/methodology if they are original or of interest for this particular research. For papers concerned with experimental work describe your data sources and data procession technique.
Describe your results as precisely and informatively as possible. Include your key theoretical and experimental results, factual information, revealed interconnections and patterns. Give special priority in your abstract to new results and long-term impact data, important discoveries and verified findings that contradict previous theories as well as data that you think have practical value.
Conclusions could be associated with recommendations, estimates, suggestions, hypotheses described in the paper.
Use the language typical of research and technical documents to compile your abstract and avoid complex grammatical constructions. The text of the abstract should include key words of the paper.
Keywords (in English and native language)
Please provide up to 5 keywords on the Article Title Page, which encapsulate the principal topics of the paper.
All figures should be of high quality, legible and numbered consecutively with arabic numerals. All figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, web pages/screenshots, and photographic images) should be submitted in electronic form preferably in color as separate files, that match the following parameters:
References to other publications must be in Harvard style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency.
1. All submitted papers are subject to strict peer-review process by at least two international reviewers that are experts in the area of the particular paper.
2. The factors that are taken into account in review are relevance, soundness, significance, originality, readability and language.
3. The possible decisions include acceptance, acceptance with revisions, or rejection.
4. If authors are encouraged to revise and resubmit a submission, there is no guarantee that the revised submission will be accepted. Rejected articles will not be re-reviewed.
5. Papers may be rejected without review if they are obviously not suitable for publication.
6. The staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.
7. A paper should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work.
8. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one publication concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable.
9. Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study.
10. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.
Submitted papers should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form, or be under consideration for publication with another journal. All authors submitting their works acknowledge that they have disclosed all and any actual or potential conflicts of interest regarding authorship and publication of the work and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed.
When reproducing tables, figures or excerpts (of more than 400 words) from another source, it is expected that:
1. Authors obtain the necessary written permission in advance from any third party owners of copyright for the use in print and electronic formats of any of their text, illustrations, graphics, or other material, in their manuscript. Permission must also be cleared for any minor adaptations of any work not created by them.
2. If an author adapts significantly any material, the author must inform the copyright holder of the original work.
3. Authors obtain any proof of consent statements.
4. Authors must always acknowledge the source in figure captions and refer to the source in the reference list.
5. Authors should not assume that any content which is freely available on the web is free to use. Authors should check the website for details of the copyright holder to seek permission for re-use.
Verbatim copying
Verbatim copying of more than 10 per cent of another person’s work without acknowledgement, references or the use of quotation marks.
Improper paraphrasing of another person’s work is where more than one sentence within a paragraph or section of text has been changed or sentences have been rearranged without appropriate attribution. Significant improper paraphrasing (more than 10 per cent of a work) without appropriate attribution is treated as seriously as verbatim copying.
Re-using parts of a work without attribution
Re-use of elements of another person’s work, for example a figure, table or paragraph without acknowledgement, references or the use of quotation marks. It is incumbent on the author to obtain the necessary permission to reuse elements of another person’s work from the copyright holder.
Self plagiarism
Our requirement is that all authors sign a copyright form that clearly states that their submitted work has not been published before. If elements of a work have been previously published in another publication, the author is required to acknowledge the earlier work and indicate how the subsequent work differs and builds upon the research and conclusions contained in the previous work. Verbatim copying of an author’s own work and paraphrasing is not acceptable and we recommend that research should only be reused to support new conclusions.
We recommend that authors cite all previous stages of publication and presentation of their ideas that have culminated in the final work, including conference papers, workshop presentations and listserv communications.
We take all cases of plagiarism very seriously being aware of the potential impact an allegation of plagiarism can have on a researcher’s career. Therefore, we have procedures in place to deal with alleged cases of plagiarism.
In order for us to take an unbiased approach, we investigate each case thoroughly, seeking clarification from all affected parties. If we are approached by a third party with an allegation of plagiarism, we would always seek a response from the original author(s) or copyright holder(s) before we decide on a course of action. We will not be influenced by other parties and will form our decisions in an unbiased and objective manner.
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