Robert V. Arutyunyan, Moscow State Technical University named after NE Bauman, Moscow, Russia,
Modeling of the electric field in electrolyte solutions can be relevant for electrical systems and electronics, for example, in connection with the widespread use of supercapacitors. Treatment of solutions with magnetic and electric fields is one of the promising areas of applied electrical chemistry. A significant part of the work in this area is mainly concerned with the investigation of the effect of the current flowing in the solution. In the literature, as a rule, the effect of an external magnetic field on a moving solution of electrolyte is investigated, leading to the occurrence of circulating ion currents and a dense ionic current in the solution. double electrical layer (DES). Studies of the effect of an external static electric field on the properties of the electrolyte volume were carried out to a lesser extent. Since the diffuse DES model is insufficient, the calculation of the electric field also takes into account a dense layer of ions (specific adsorption), which corresponds to a more perfect Stern model. A system of equations describing a static electric field and diffusion in a finite volume of an aqueous solution is considered. The electrostatic field was calculated in the volume of distilled and ordinary water. Factors such as the size of bioobjects, convection, the volume occupied by ions, the degree of hydration of ions, water absorption of plexiglas, leakage currents, the possibility of breakdown, surface conductivity, diffusion of protons are taken into account. The obtained results allow to reach the following conclusions: the electrostatic field in the water volume is almost completely absent, as it is screened microscopically by a thin layer of ions in a double electric layer and in no way can affect the vital activity of organisms. Consequently, the phenomenon discovered in the laboratory of the chemical concern CIBA-GEIGY (now Novaartis), presumably, is explained not by the influence of an external electrostatic field, but by factors of another, not yet explored nature. The results of the studies can also be used in the calculation of electrical devices with overlapping DES, for example, supercapacitors (ionistors), as well as in studies of bioreactors.
Keywords: electrolyte, static electric field, calculation.
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Information about author:
Robert V. Arutyunyan, Moscow State Technical University named after NE Bauman, Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling, Moscow, Russia