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T-Comm_Article 2_10_2021

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Alexey S. Podstrigaev, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI», Petersburg, Russia, ap0d@ya.ru

UWB digital receiver design methodology with sub-Nyquist sampling In radio monitoring and cognitive radio tasks, processing of overlapped signals in an ultra-wide frequency band without gaps is required. A digital receiver with sub-Nyquist sampling allows solving this problem. However, in practice, we have some issues. There are various kinds of ambiguity in determining the frequency. The nonlinear elements of the path generate parasitic harmonics of the input signal. In the multi-signal mode, the discrimination of signals deteriorates. All this significantly reduces the efficiency of signal analysis. Therefore, a receiver circuit with software implemented means of eliminating the listed disadvantages is proposed. Such a receiver has features characteristic of sub-Nyquist sampling and selectable parameters. A special technique has been developed to systematize the design process of the receiver. The design methodology takes into account the use of the receiver in single-signal and multi-signal modes. The result of the design is the receiver block diagram with a justification of the parameters of its main elements. The proposed methodology makes it possible to evaluate system characteristics such as sensitivity, the number of processing channels and the throughput by the number of superimposed signals. Automation of checking the conditions given in the methodology can significantly increase the speed and convenience of design. It is shown that for the Gigabit Ethernet interface, the throughput of the receiver is about eight superimposed pulse or continuous signals. In this case, due to parasitic components arising in the nonlinear elements of the path, it can be reduced to 4 superimposed signals. The actual number of processed signals is also determined by the probability of their overlap, and when receiving pulsed signals, it can be much higher.

Keywords: sub-Nyquist receiver, undersampling receiver, undersampling, wideband receiver, digital receiver, receiver design methodology.


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Information about author:

Alexey S. Podstrigaev, doctoral student, associate professor of the Department of Radio-Electronic Means, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI»,
St. Petersburg, Russia