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T-Comm_Article 7_10_2021

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Bayram G. Ibrаhimov, Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan, i.bayram@mail.ru
Allahverdi O. Orujov, Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan, allahverdi.oruc@aztu.edu.az
Arif H. Hasanov, Military Academy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan, arifhasan2828@yandex.ru
Konul M. Tahirova, Military Academy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan

The analysis of the performance indicators fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) using quantum technology based on the architectural concept of NGN (Next Generation Network) and future networks FN (Future Networks) for the construction highly efficient optical telecommunication networks supporting a wide range cryptographic resistance. Threats of unauthorized access, denial of service, loss information, cryptographic methods and algorithms for information protect?on are considered. Complex criteria of FOCL efficiency using such quantum technologies as network performance using WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technology, information security characteristics when using quantum cryptography protocols, taking into account resistance to various threats, informative characteristics photon sources are selected. A new approach is proposed for the study and assessment of complex indicators complex optical information protection systems and effective control of a set quantum key distribution systems for fiber-optic communication lines. The functioning of the investigated FOCL using quantum technology based on the principles «Point-to-point» network topology, which allows organizing a quantum information and service channel, is considered. On the basis of the proposed approach, the efficiency quantum key distribution, the capabilities quantum cryptography protocols under the influence of photon number splitting attack (PNS-Photon Number Splitting Attack) and the information entropy of the characteristics of sources of optical photon qubit fluxes are investigated. Analytical expressions are obtained for assessing the complex indicators of the information security system when using quantum key distribution (QKD) for FOCL. On the basis of the new approach, a numerical analysis was carried out and a graphical dependence of the information entropy of the packet on the packet length in qubits was constructed for the given transfer characteristics of the FOCL. It was found that an increase in the limited packet length in bits, which meets the requirements reliability and efficiency of the operation FOCL system, leads to an increase in the value information entropy as a fraction of the packet, at a given bit rate of the network.

Keywords:Quantum key distribution, FOCL using quantum technology, efficiency, quantum cryptography protocols, information entropy, security threat, PNS-attack.


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Information about authors:

Bayram Ganimat Ibrаhimov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku Azerbaijan
Allahverdi Oruj Orujov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Arif Hasan Hasanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, Military Academy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan
Konul Mobil Tahirova, Adjunct of the Military Academy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan