Conference title: 2014 Systems of Signal Synchronization,
Generating and Processing in Telecommunications
Conference acronym:SINKHROINFO
June 29 — July 1, 2014
Voronezh, Russia
The Russian A.S. Popov Society with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics,
Publishing house “Media Publisher”
With the support of JSC “Concern “Sozvezdie”,
and Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
About the Event
The international scientific and engineering conference “Systems of Signal Synchronization, Generating and Processing in Telecommunications” has been held since 1974. For 43 years of work the conference has become a widely known forum for specialists of the field.
The papers which are discussed at the conference can be divided into the following chapters:
Synchronization Systems and Devices;
- Signal Generating and Shaping Devices;
- Signal Processing Devices.
The chapters content is concerned with fundamental problems of signal synchronization, generating and processing in the field of communications, broadcasting, radar, radio guidance and radio control. The questions of the practical issues are also including.
The presentations are made by the scientists and developers from 9 countries: Azerbaijan, Germany, Kazakhstan, China, Lebanon, Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
IEEE Branch Director in Russia Roman Y. Ivanyushkin promotes this conference among the Engineers in the field of Telecommunications. He also organizes the work of one of the main conference Chapter “Signals Generating and Shaping Devices”.
Chairman of Russian Branch IEEE Circuits and System Society Valentin Kuleshov is the Chairman of the Technical Program Committee.
Every year Director and Chairman of Russian Branch IEEE Circuits and System Society are participate as co-Chairs of the Chapter “Signals Generating and Shaping Devices”.
Chairman of the Steering Committee Alexander Pestryakov (Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Radio and Broadcasting Faculty Dean of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics) in cooperation with Director and Chairman of Russian Branch IEEE Circuits and System Society appoints the conference committee chairs and other key members.
Conference will produce a publication.
Keywords: Telecommunication Systems, Frequency and Time Synchronization, Signals Generating and Shaping, Frequency Synthesizers, Signals Receivers.
Subjects of the conference
The main areas of the conference include fundamental problems of synchronization, generating and signal processing in telecommunications, broadcasting, radar, navigation with the practical application issues.
Field of interest:
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
General Topics for Engineers
Signal Processing and Analysis
Structure of the technical program committee
Chairman of the Program Committee
Vice-Chairmen of the Program Committee
Program Committee Coordinator
Members of the program committee
Chairman of the Program Committee
Valentin N. Kuleshov – Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor of National Research University “MPEI” , chair of IEEE Circuit and System Society Russian Chapter
1-st Vice-Chairmen of the Program Committee
Alexander V. Pestryakov – Doctor of Science (Engineering), Dean of Radio and Broadcasting Faculty, Professor of Moscow Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics
2-nd Vice-Chairmen of the Program Committee
Roman Y. Ivanyushkin – PhD, Associate Professor of Moscow Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Branch Director of IEEE Circuit and System Society in Russia
Program Committee Coordinator
Elena R. Khasianova – Research Scientist of Moscow Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics, secretary of Synchronyzation Devices Chapter of The Russian Scientific-technical Society of Radio engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications named after A.S. Popov
Members of the program committee
Gennadiy A. Leonov – Doctor Science in Physics and Mathematics, Corresponding member of RAS
Yuriy S. Shinakov – Doctor of Science (Engineering), Head of Radio Engineering Systems Department, Professor of Moscow Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics
Vkadimir L. Karyakin – Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor of Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
Vladimir A. Burdin – Doctor of Science (Engineering), Deputy Principal of Science, Professor of Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
Mikhail Y. Spodobaev – PhD., Associate Professor, Director of Radio Research and Development Institute of Samara
Submission dates
Abstract submission date: 10 February 2014
Full paper submission date: 27 March 2014
Notification of acceptance date: 24 April 2014
Final paper submission date: 10 May 2014
Ms Svetlana Dymkova ( +7 926-218-8243