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Content №4-2011

N.Ye. Zorya, T.A. Kuzovkova
Moscow technical university of communication and informatics (MTUCI), Russia

Methodology of regional communication development estimation, reflecting level of socio-economic development of the RCC participants’ countries

In the article proposals on methodology of regional communication development estimation, reflecting level of socio-economic development of the RCC participants’ countries are presented. It is proposed to make communication development estimation by set of particular, resumptive and integral indicators using method of standardized rate and ratings at three perspectives: condition, dynamics and development potential.

1. Recommendations on how to fill the parameters that characterize the business climate, human capital, government regulation in the ICT (RBB figures) Decision number 39/3-CIS. – I.: RSS, 2009. – 39 p.

2. Zorya N.Ye., Kuzovkova T.A., Muhitdinov N.N. Regional monitoring of infocommunication development of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of communication: monography. [Regionalnij monitoring infokommunikatnionnogo razvitiya Regional’nogo sodruzhestva v oblasti svyazi: monografiya] – I.: SUM, 2010. – 19 p.

3. Kuzovkova T.A., Zorya N.Ye. The results of the integrated assessment of the state and capacity of communication development of RSS countries. [Rezultaty integralnoj otsenki sostoyaniya i potentsiala infokommunikatsionnogo razvitiya stran RSS] // Vek kachestva, 2010. – ?6. – pp.34-37.

4. Zorya N.Ye. Use of monitoring for coordinating regional communication development of RSS countries. [Ispolzovanie monitoringa dlya koordinatsii regionalnogo infokommunikatsionnogo razvitiya stran RSS] / Bulletin of the University. The State University of Management, 2010. -?14. – pp.119-124.


B.S. Lobanov, YU.S. Bondarev, A.Yu. Mityagin, B.V. Hlopov,
FGUP «CNIRTI im. academika A.I. Berga», Radio engineering and Electronics institute of
V.A. Kotelnikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
alexandr-mityagin@yandex.ru, 208_otd@mail.ru

The effective device for information destruction immediately in the personal computer

The effective device for information destruction immediately in the personal computer is presented. Primary benefits of the present device the following: 1) the Impulse magnetic field of the considerable intensity is formed in smaller volume, and magnetic field influence on all sections provides with magnetic disk rotation. Disk rotation is carried out or from regular power supply unit of the computer, or from the independent power supply. 2) winding of a wire of the solenoid of magnetic system is carried out under different corners concerning a solenoid axis. 3) presence of system of conservation of energy and its additional usage. The presented device is allocated immediately in the personal computer and allows guarantied and the main thing urgently to destroy the information. It is not less important that at certain modes information destruction is possible a reuse of the carrier after record deleting.

1. www.unidisk.ru/comparison.

2. www.npoanna.ru.

3. www.nero.ru.

4. Yu.V. Guljaev, B.S. Lobanov, A.Yu. Mityagin, B.V. Hlopov. Development and equipment creation for information destruction from magnetic carriers. [Razrabotka I sozdanie apparatury dlya unichtozheniya informacii s magnitnih nositeley] / Engineering physics, 2010. – ?1. – pp.36-39.

5. B.S. Lobanov, Yu.S. Bondarev, A.Yu. Mityagin, B.V. Hlopov. The device placed in the personal computer, for the guaranteed destruction of information. [Ustroistvo, razmeshyaemoe v personalnom komp’yutere, dlya ekstrennogo i garantirovannogo ynichtozheniya onformacii] / Engineering physics, 2010. – ?7.

6. Yu.V.Guljaev, S.V. Gerus, E.L. Zhitkovsky, G.V. Kazantsev, A.Yu. Mityagin, etc. Information destruction from stores on hard magnetic disks. [Unichtozhenie infomacii s nakopiteley na zhestkih magnitnyh diskah] / Engineering physics, 2004. – ?2. – pp.2-12.

7. The patent Russian Federation ?35919 from 10.02.2004, with a priority from 07.10.2003.

8. B.S. Lobanov, A.I. Pikul, B.V. Hlopov. Methods of increase of efficiency of protection of information which is storing in stores on hard magnetic disks. [Metody povysheniya effectivnosti zashity informacii, hranyasheisya v nakopitelyah na zhestkih magnitnyh diskah] / O-Comm – Telecommunications and transport, 2009. – ?4. – pp.8-13.

9. The patent for the invention ?2232435 from 10.07.2004, with a priority from 23.08.2002.

10. The patent Russian Federation ?2291500 from 10.01.2007, with a priority from 22.06.2005.


Maksimenko V.N., Vasilev M.A.,
Mobile TeleSystems, JSC, Russia

he method of standardized quality indicators calculation for additional services on mobile networks

The process of providing additional services on the mobile network is considered as a consistent chain of functions. These functions are necessary for the implementation of additional service. Generalized mathematical expressions for calculating the standardized quality indicators are defined.

1. The governmental order of the Russian Federation from February, 18th, 2005, ?87 “About the statement of the list of names of the telecommunication service brought in the licenses, and lists of license conditions” (with changes from December, 29th, 2005).

2. Maksimenko V.N, Vasilev M.A. A technique of system designing infocommunication services of networks 3G. [Metodica sistemnogo proectirovaniya infocomunikacionnyh uslug setey 3G] // Electrosvyaz, ?6, 2011, P.37-41.

3. ETSI TS 102 250-2. Speech processing, Transmission and Quality Aspects (STQ); QoS aspects for popular services in GSM and 3G networks; Part 1: Identification of Quality of service aspects.

4. Recomendations INY-O A.800 (08.94) Terms and definitions related to quality of service and network performance including dependability.

5. 3GPP TS 22 071. 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Location Services (LCS); Service description; Stage 1 (Release 7).

6. Maksimenko V. N, Vasilev M. A. Principles of quality assurance of services LBS in a network of cellular mobile communication [Principy kontrolya kachestva uslug LBS v seti sotovoy podvizhniy svyazi] // Electrosvyaz, ?7, 2007, P.26-29.


Bygaev A.S.,
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, bugaev@cos.ru

Buslaev A.P.,

Kozlov V.V.,
academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Yashina M.V.,
Moscow technical university of communication and informatics (MTUCI), Russia

Some mathematical and information aspects of traffic modeling

Transport, communications and mathematics (in wider understanding – natural sciences) it becomes more and more obvious to despite different “age” of these three components. If the mathematics in Russia (USSR) was always, at least, since that moment as to Russia were invited L.Eyler (1976) and D. Bernulli (1725) that a traffic (traffic) as the appreciable phenomenon and an acute problem, appeared in the early nineties after opening of borders and a mass import of cars. With transition to market economy and small business mobility of the population, need for multipurpose cars and load of a street road network sharply increased.

1. Renschel A., Z. Oster. Ing. Arch. Vereines, 95, 1950.

2. Pipes L. A. J. Appl.Phis. V.24, 1953, P.274.

3. Chandler F.E., Herman R., Montroll E.W. Traffic Dynamics: Sstudies in Car Following. Operation Research, 6, 1958, pp.165-184.

4. Kometani E., Suraki T. On the Stability of traffic Flow, J. Operational Research, Japan 2, pp.11-26.

5. Gazic D.C., Herman R., Potts R.S. Car Following Theory of Steady State Traffic Flow. Operation Reserch, V.7(4), 1959, p.499-505.

6. Gazic D.C., Herman R., Rothery R.W. Nonlinear Follow the Leader Models of Traffic Flow Operation Reserch, 1961, V.9, pp.545-567

7. Edic L.C. Car_Following and Steady State Theory for Non_Congested Traffic. Operation Reseach, 1962, V.9(1), pp.66-76.

8. Traffic Flow Theory. Transportation Research Board. Special Report, 165 ed.de Garther N.Messer C.J., Rathi A.K., 1992 (p.4, 4-1-4-39) Flow Theory.


Shestakov O.V.,
Moscow State University of M.V.Lomonosov, chair of mathematical statistics;
Institute of problems of informatics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

The uniqueness of the probability characteristics of stochastic reconstruction images generated by a synthetic aperture radar

The task of reconstruction of the probability characteristics of stochastic radar images with their probabilistic characteristics of spherical projections is considered. On the example of the covariance function is shown that in general the problem has no unique solution.

1. Soumekh M. Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing with MATLAB Applications. John Wiley & Sons. 1999.

2. Agranovsky M.L., Quinto E.T. Injectivity sets for the Radon transform over circles and complete systems of radial functions // J. Funct. Anal., 1996, ?139, pp.383-413.

3. Hellsten H. Inverse scattering analysis of diffraction limited SAR // IEEE. Trans. Ant. Prop. 1990. ?38. ?10, pp.1517-1522.

4. Shestakov O.V. Recovering of probability distributions of stochastic radar images [Vosstanovlenie veroyatnostnyh raspredelenij stohasticheskih radiolokatsionnyh izobrazhenij] // Vestn. Mosk. unta. Ser. 15. Vychisl. matem. i kibern., 2010. ?3. – pp.23-29.

5. Shestakov O.V. On uniqueness of the probability characteristics of multivariate random functions with probabilistic characteristics of their projections [O yedinstvennosti vosstanovleniya veroyatnostnyh harakteristik mnogomernyh sluchajnyh funktsij po veroyatnostnym harakteristikam ih proektsij] // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta., Ser. 15.


Kuxa Evgeny,
Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom

Data Throughput and Coverage Modelling for LTE Mobile Network Base Station

Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks appeared to replace the mobile networks of third generation, showing better results in data rates, signal latency and spectrum efficiency. Building a network plan is impossible without modeling of range and throughput of base station. A software tool is suggested that is based on the Microsoft Excel spread sheet and that is capable of evaluating coverage and maximum throughput of a base station depending on the network and equipment parameters. The developed tool is easy to use and can be run on almost any PC equipped with Microsoft Excel program or its analogue. Thus, the presented software tool can be interesting to the mobile networks engineers, who can use it on the early stages of network design or to the students of relevant courses, who are interested in LTE networks principles of operation.

Keywords: computer modeling, mobile networks, throughput, coverage, LTE.

1. Khan F. LTE for 4G Mobile Broadband. – New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. – P.3.

2. Lee J., Han J., Zhang J. MIMO Technologies in 3GPP LTE and LTE-Advanced / EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Article ID 302092,Volume 2009.

3. Holma H., Toskala A. LTE for UMTS – OFDMA and SC-FDMA Based Radio Access — Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2009. – P.89.

4. Sessia S., Toufic I., Baker M. LTE – The UMTS Long Term Evolution. – Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2009. – P.522.

5. Smith C., Collins D. 3G Wireless Networks. – New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007. – P.408.


Kazanskiy A.N., Kabov A.S.,
Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, Russia

Multi-service network for Subway Situation Centre

The report focuses on the problems of a multi-service network of the Subway Situation Centre (SC). The tasks of the SC network functioning are considered and the classification of the transmitted information is given. Features of subway SC network construction are analyzed. The concept of development and quality research of the networks is proposed by the authors an SC connection. One possible way of constructing models of SC networks is considered.


Yesipenko V.I., Smirnov V.V.,
Moscow technical university of communication and informatics (MTUCI), Russia

The method of successive approximations for direct statistical analysis of continuous linear control systems with variable parameters

The solution of the integral Voltaire equation of the 2nd kind was received when using the method of direct statistical analysis of dynamical systems and the method of successive approximations. The equation describes the continuous linear automatic control system with variable (including with random) parameters. Benefits of describing control systems for integral models are listed.

1. Yesipenko V.I. Probability density function of the random process at the output of a linear system [Plotnost raspredeleniya veroyatnostyej sluchajnogo protsessa na vyhode linyejnoj sistemy / Izv. VUZov Radiofizika, 1999. – Vol.42, ?3. – P.287-300.

2. Krasnov M.L. Integral equations [Integralnye uravneniya]. – M.: Nauka, 1975. – 304 p.

3. Zabryeijko P.P., Koshelev A.I., Krasnoselskij M.A. Integral equations [Integralnye uravneniya]. – M.: Nauka, 1968. – 448 p.

4. Yesipenko V.I., Smirnov V.V. The method of sequent approximations for direct statistical analysis of continuous linear control systems [Metod posledovatelnyh priblizhenij pri pryamom sta-tisticheskom analize linyejnyh nepreryvnyh sistem upravleniya] / VINITI, ?790-V 2009 ot 10.12.09.

5. Brikman M.S. Integrated models in the modern theory of management. [Integralnye modeli v sovremennoj tyeorii upravleniya] / Riga: Zinatne, 1979. – 224 p.


Sergey Ilyushin,
Moscow technical university of communication and informatics (MTUCI), Russia

Speed-UP in fractal image coding by means of classification

Fractal compression is effective lossy image compression algorithm that achieves high compression ratios while preserving high quality. Elimination of redundancy related to self similarity of image that exists on natural pictures makes strong compression possible. But the main drawback of the algorithm is long computing time because a lot of image blocks have to be compared with each other in order to find out the most similar ones. Much attention has been paid to this problem by research community and different ways to speed-up the fractal algorithm have been proposed. One of the most effective approaches to the reduction of encoding time is an approach based on classification of blocks by one or several features that can be considered invariant regarding transformations applied to the blocks. Consequently, a priori one can say that the blocks which belong to one class are similar. This approach makes possible comparison of the blocks only within one class, which contributes to significant speed-up of the compression process. In this paper a novel variant of classification by polar angle of mass centre of the block is suggested. It is shown that coordinates of mass centers of the blocks with high correlation form two sectors symmetrical with respect to the origin of coordinates. Therefore polar angle of the mass centre is used as a feature that helps to split the global domain pool into classes and drastically reduces the number of the blocks taken for comparison. This classification scheme yielded overall speed-up of fractal image compression in 3-4 times. In spite of the wide application of JPEG standard in some fields lossy image compression is not applied, for instance in medicine. Fractal image compression delivers higher quality than JPEG at a comparable compression ratio. But the main obstacle preventing fractal compression from practical usage is long compression time. Therefore speed-up of fractal algorithm is of interest in such fields where exists necessity in transmission and storage of large amounts of image data while preserving high quality, for example in telemedicine.

Keywords: fractal image compression, speed-up, classification, mass centre, invariant representation.

1. Welstead S. Fractal and wavelet image compression techniques. [Fraktaly I veyvlety dlya szhatiya izibrazheniy v deystvii]. – M.: Triumf, 2003. – 320 p.

2. Fractal image compression: theory and application, ed. Fisher Y., – New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995. – 341 p.

3. Wohlberg B., De Jager G. A review of the fractal image coding literature // IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 1999. – Vol.8. – ?12. – P.1716-1729.

4. Ilyushin S.V., Svet S.D. Fraktal compression of telemedical images. [Fractalnoe szhatie telemeditsinskikh izobrazheni] // Elektrosvyaz, ?4, pp.36-40 ,2009. URL: http//www.elsv.ru/files/actual/130.pdf.

5. Polvere M., Nappi M. Speed-up in fractal image coding: comparison of methods // IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2000. – Vol.9. – ?6. – P.1002-1009.


Saltykov A.R.,
The St. Petersburg state university of telecommunications of prof. M.A.Bonch-Bruevich, Russia

Statistical analysis and Doppler-resistant reception of M-ary Stochastic Orthogonal Parallel-Serial Spread Spectrum Signals for mobile multimedia communications

In this paper the application of novel M-ary Stochastic Orthogonal Parallel-Serial Spread Spectrum Signals (MSO-PS-SSS) for Doppler Spread Spectrum resistant in the conditions of a discrete multi beam signal is considered and analyzed. Characteristics of MSO-PS-SSS with their benefits for modern mobile multimedia communications have been investigated and shown by means of computer simulations. We propose a reception of MSO-PS-SSS with evaluation of channel parameters based on the optimum nonlinear filtering theory methods with discrete-continuous Markov processes. Finally, the analytical estimations of the reception noise immunity for both constant channel and channel with uncorrelated Rayleigh fading on subcarriers are carried out. Computer simulations have shown working efficiency of the supposed receiver. The analytical estimation of noise immunity testifies to good potential both MSO-PS-SSS and their reception algorithm. Results of research can be applied in the aviation monitoring systems intended for observation over onboard conditions for the purpose of passenger’s safety. The various organizations requiring in noise immunity and reconnaissance protected communication can act as potential consumers of scientific-technical production created on the basis of receiving results. It can be armed forces, services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, federal security services, Navy and other organizations requiring in data acquisition and transmission (telemetry, positioning, remote control etc.).

Keywords: M-ary Stochastic Orthogonal Paralel-Serial Spread Spectrum Signals, Doppler effect, multimedia communication, quadrature components, channel with constant parameters, channel with uncorrelated Rayleigh fadind.

1 B. Le. Floch, R. Halbert-Lassalle and D. Castelain. Digital Sound Broadcasting to Mobile Receivers, IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics., Vol.73, ?4, pp. 30-34, AUG. 1989.

2. M. Russel and G. Stuber. Terrestrial digital video broadcasting for mobile reception using OFDM, Special Issue on MCC, Wireless Personal Communication, Vol.2, ?1&2, 1995, pp.45-46.

3. P. Robertson, S. Kaiser. Effects of Doppler Spreads in OFDM (A) Mobile Radio Systems”, VTC Fall’99, Amsterdam.

4. S. Tomasin et all. Intercarrier interference cancellation channel estimation for mobile OFDM”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol.4, ?1, January 2005.

5. Y. Zhao, S.-G. Haggman. Intercarrier interference self-cancellation scheme for OFDM mobile communication systems”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol.49, ? 7, pp.1185-1191, Jul. 2001.

6. I.B. Irlov, I.N. Chesnokov, I.N. Shipilov, A.I. Scherbakov. Synthesis of multifrequency multiitem orthogonal chaotic signals? [Sintez mnogochastotnyh mnogopozicionnyh ortogonal’nyh haoticheskih signalov] / Radio engineering, ?5, 2001.

7. I.S. Andronov, L.M. Fink. Transfer of discrete messages on parallel kana-llamas. [Peredacha diskretnyh soobsheniy po parallel’nym kanalam]. – I.: Sov. Radio, 1971.

8. V.I. Tikhonov, V.N. Harisov. The statistical analysis and synthesis of radio engineering lips-rojstv and systems. [Statistichesky analiz i sintez radiottehnicheskih ustroistv i sistem]. – I.: Radio i Svyaz, 1991.

9. J. Prokis. Digital communication. [Cifrovaya svyaz’]. – M.: Radio i Svyaz, 2000.

Umanskiy Roman,

Major trends in digital mobile TV in Russia

In 2006, as a result of decisions taken at the conference organized by the International Telecommunication Union, Russia joined the international process of transition to digital television broadcasting standards. The authors of this paper describes the current situation in a certain type of digital TV, namely in the field of mobile digital television in Russia. The article presents the main trends on the legitimacy of the use of technology, spectrum and distribution of public television stations, reference is made to existing legislation and implemented by their general analysis. The introduction of new technologies in the territory of any country is a process with a lot of conflicting goals, the regulation of these processes is one of the tasks of the state. The publication examines the process of development of digital mobile TV in Russia as part of the implementation of the federal target program “Development of Broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015”, at the same time argues that this type of distribution of media content is different from “traditional” TV in time, place , duration and nature of consumption. The authors emphasize the social and economic benefits from the transition to digital distribution of television signals.

Keywords: mobile television; DVB-H; Mobile TV; Regulation of Mobile TV in Russia; Mobile TV Business Models in Russia.

1. Serov A.V. Air digital television [Efirnoe tsifrovoe televidenie DVB-T/H]. – SPb.: BHV – Peterburg, 2010.

2. A.V. Belousov. Broadcasting licensing during the transition to digital technologies [Litsenzirovanie teleradioveshchaniya pri perehode k tsifrovym tehnologiyam].

3. Mobile television in Europe. State of the art and current regulatory issues, European Platform of Regulatory Authorities materials, www.epra.org.

4. Television on a handheld receiver – broadcasting with DVB-H, www.digitag.org.

5. Russian Federation Government Decree, 25.05.2004 N 706-r.

6. GRFC Decision ? 05-06-02-001.

7. GRFC Decision ? 09-04-02.

8. GRFC Decision ? 10.09.07.

9. Russian Federation Government Decree, ?57-r, 21.01.2011.