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Article 2-5 2019


Alexander A. Lyubchenko, Omsk State Transport University (OSTU), Omsk, Russia, allyubchenko@gmail.com
Evgeny Yu. Kopytov, Omsk State Transport University (OSTU), Omsk, Russia, jenya87@list.ru
Alexander A. Bogdanov, Omsk State Transport University (OSTU), Omsk, Russia, Alex-b0g@yandex.ru

Safety of transportation processes is a one of the most important priorities of railway transport. Safety level monitoring is implemented on the basis of the specified parameters control. Modern computer technologies facilitate the estimation of these parameters and, consequently, of the safety level. The research object of the current work is represented by railway telecommunication systems, whereas the study topic is a model for quality estimation of operation and preventive maintenance of railway telecommunication equipment. The objective of the work is the quality analysis of operation and preventive maintenance of telecommunication devices using the proposed model. The following tasks were set: the development of a conceptual model of the operation and preventive maintenance process of railway telecommunication equipment, the development of a simulation model, the implementation of an experiment and analysis of the obtained results. A simulation model of the operation process is constructed in AnyLogic 7 using the discrete event approach and provides the estimation of operation and maintenance quality, as well as the assessment of the achieved availability depending on the factors defining.

Keywords: railway telecommunications, reliability, availability, simulation, AnyLogic.


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Information about authors:
Alexander A. Lyubchenko, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, associate professor, Department of Telecommunications, radio system and networks, Omsk State  Transport University (OSTU), Omsk, Russia
Evgeny Yu. Kopytov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, associate professor, Department of Telecommunications, radio system and networks, Omsk State Transport University (OSTU), Omsk, Russia
Alexander A. Bogdanov, Student, Department of Telecommunications, radio system and networks, Omsk State Transport University (OSTU) Omsk, Russia