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T-Comm_Article 3_4_2020


Oleg I. Sheluhin, MTUCI, Moscow, Russia, sheluhin@mail.ru
Andrey V. Osin, MTUCI, Moscow, Russia, osin_a_v@mail.ru
Denis V. Kostin, MTUCI, Moscow, Russia, d.v.kostin@mail.ru

This paper proposed to characterize the “health of a computer network” by a set of system metrics that characterize the Service Level Objectives and Service Level Agreement of the computer network. The necessary parameters (attributes, signatures) that determine the state of a computer network can be extracted from historical data and used to automatically cluster and search for similar problems in the past based on similarities. The database of historical events allows to find and compare the current behavior of the system with similar previously encountered problems that were observed in the past. To solve this problem, it is necessary to study various abnormal symptoms from historical data at the training stage. To predict “future” symptoms, it is necessary to model statistical changes in patterns of different attribute values. The functional diagram of health diagnosis and risk prediction has been proposed. The paper studies the characteristics for determining the health of a computer network. Combining the classification of anomaly symptoms and prediction, the diagnostic system must predict network anomalies based on the classification of anomaly symptoms for future data.
An algorithmic and software solution can be used to monitor the quality of computer systems, for early detection (based on prediction algorithms) and to identify various problems that reduce the quality of a computer network.

Keywords: anomaly states, computer network, forecasting, machine learning, data mining, monitoring system metrics, clustering, sequential analysis; pattern.


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Information about authors:
Oleg I. Sheluhin, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the Department of Information Security, MTUCI, Moscow, Russia
Andey V. Osin, PhD, MTUCI, Moscow, Russia
Denis V. Kostin, graduate student, MTUCI, department of information security, Moscow, Russia